giovedì 29 maggio 2014

Practical Particle Data exploiting just Mathematica 9

Mathematica 9 has built-in data catalogues about various scientifical topics. In the following Mathematica notebook file I will show you a simple and yet very extendable tool for quick gathering of the values of various physical quantities of every particle discovered to the present day. 
The particle selection tree comprises the particle "class", and the particle name, followed by the standard symbol of that particle; I have chosen to print just the quark content, the values of the various symmetries' operators, the isospin, the 3rd component of the isospin so that I can speed up doing some exercises about the ratio of two or more decays (future post). Once you have selected your particle, you have to execute the last block of code to get the output.
You can just copy and paste the command to obtain some particular data (like i.e. mass): get the complete list of data available by right-clicking in the half of the command "ParticleData" in the notebook and then click "Get Help" , then "Details". 
Very handy for exercises! Replaces adequately the Particle Data Book (PDG) by CERN particle data group.

Google Drive folder with downloadable file: Particle data.nb


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