A lot of punch packed into few equations, in a very elegant way.
From classical Electrostatics, we know that the potential is fully described by the Poisson' s equation, which relates it to the charge density; however, in 4-dimensional spacetime we have to adapt Poisson's eq to include the time (t) variable, finding objects such as 4-potentials and 4-currents.
In this notebook I show you how, in a quite simple way.
Tags: Poisson equation, potential, time, Lorentz transformation, Lorenz gauge, four-vector, 4-potential, 4-current.
Google Drive folder with downloadable file: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B36YNo_GwIhxb1F4TkVFdEtsY0U&usp=sharing
Filename: Poisson_4D.nb
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